Real Estate RPM is the first of our many offerings. Unlike many out there with an accounting, spreadsheet-like system for recording data, which can be confusing to those unfamiliar with spreadsheets, Real Estate RPM simplifies the front-end by separating and displaying only the data relevent to what the user selects, with form-filled presentation to better represent different types of data. You don't have to be an accounant to understand our software. Built on the foundation of the powerful Microsoft SQL Server database engine and driven by the popular MS Reporting Services, this program is a solid Performer. From single residences to multi-unit commercial buildings, this program will help you handle them all with ease!
Key Features:
Keep detailed records of income and expenses
Maintain not only standard but user-defined properties for Sites/Units, Tenants, and Businesses
Easily create and Batch print Invoices ahead of schedule
Support for Site and Unit Pictures
Built-in custom report builder
Automatic late payments
Exact value and percent of rent discount/fee schedule
Flexible intervals for daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and yearly rent
Easily charge for whole, partial, or multiple intervals on a single invoice